Our Mission Is To Help You Succeed
About CrossFit Project Bayside
Simply put, our mission is to help you, “Change Your Life With Us.”

After spending time in our facility and with our team we want our members to walk out of our doors after a workout and feel like they are a better version of themselves.

It isn’t the scientific sum of calories, workouts, and weight that keeps our members returning. It is not the cutting-edge equipment and technology. It is the people that count.

Our team cares about guiding and encouraging each and every member to obtain the goals they seek for themselves.

Our members’ goals are specific and if we can assist in that journey to realising their aspirations then we have truly helped them change their life.

A Team Of Coaches That
Get Results, Consistently

Aimee Tawhai
Owner & coach
Lou Acott
Manager & coach
Peta Wragge
Aaron Sloane
Andy Shoe
Weightlifting coach
Amelia Thomsett
Ben Frazer
Jordi Bolaffi
Coach (specialising in kids)
Tessel van Vuuren
Our community is what makes us special. And it's what will keep you going
Joining a gym shouldn't be intimidating. We will help you feel comfortable getting started.

Bayside is well known in the competitive CrossFit world, but what we pride ourselves on more is being one of the most supportive, inclusive, and inviting gyms in Australia. You might hear about us through our reputation, but the amazing community is why you will keep coming back.

It is our goal to challenge every person to become a better version of themselves.
The hardest step is always the first. We promise you won't regret this!
Start Now

CrossFit gym in Moorabbin